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2 min read
Strategic Planning
Sales are pouring in at a steady pace. The fulfillment side of your business is running like clockwork. Every order is delivered on time...

2 min read
Thanksgiving... Thoughts to Carry Throughout the Year
This time of year always makes me think of how thankful I am for so many blessings. It is also a time of year that I become more acutely...

5 min read
Being Different is a Good Thing
There was a time when most of us just wanted to fit in…be in the right group, on an athletic team, supporting the winning political...

2 min read
Are Referrals an Effective Marketing Strategy?
We've been talking to some very smart people, perhaps you are one of those we have recently talked to. The topic we were discussing was...

3 min read
What Is Your Vision?
I hate typical mission and vision statements that all sound alike and mean absolutely nothing. What is the point? I'm not saying that a...
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